Wildcats fans understand that participating in athletics is one of the great opportunities that Carver Center provides. It gives our students an outlet away from their Primes to try something new, push their limits, and create lifelong memories!
The reality, though, is that the Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) budget provides only baseline support — and we want to provide our student-athletes with more.
The Carver Center Athletic Department supplements its modest budget with ticket revenue, merchandise sales, and concessions, but our largest opportunity for external revenue is philanthropic support through the Carver Center Foundation’s Sports Boosters. Your gift directly enhances the experience of our student-athletes and ensures that they will be a on a level playing field with their BCPS competitors.
Most recently, since January 1, 2022, the Foundation has provided almost $27,000 in funding for the purchase of uniforms for Carver’s sports teams. These purchases have allowed Carver Athletics to replace and upgrade the uniforms of the boys and girls soccer teams, boys and girls track teams, boys lacrosse team teams, girls badminton teams, and the volleyball teams. You should see the faces of our athletes when they receive their new uniforms! Their pride and confidence is palpable. But we want to do even more — and you can help make it happen!
In 2022, an extraordinary $10,000 grant from the Bill Belichick Foundation provided us with momentum and inspired an additional $17,000 in Foundation funding. Thanks to the many generous donations made to Sports Boosters and the Foundation’s focused Sports Boosters fundraising over the years, we were able to close the gap. Now we need to keep moving forward and hope we can count on you to build on our momentum!
Our Athletic Director has devised a strategic uniform replacement plan, which can be expedited with more Sports Boosters funds. In addition, there are equipment and other items that Wildcat Athletics can only fund with your help. For Carver’s sports teams to maintain and increase their competitiveness in Baltimore County, we need to continue to invest in their programs.
Make your contribution — either one-time or, better yet, recurring — to support Sports Boosters today! Every Gift Makes a Difference!
Want to do even more? Email us at sportsboosters@carvercenterfoundation.com and let’s talk about it. Go Wildcats!!

Help us fill this gym with happy and successful Carver athletes!
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