Cindy Shilling
President Emeritus: 2024-25
President: 2022-24
Parent Committee Chair: 2021-23
director: 2022-25
“Carver Center is not only a school – it is a family. A place for our kids to flourish and let their voices be heard. A place for them to be themselves without judgment. No matter the prime of choice, each student’s talent is recognized and given the chance to shine. I am beyond thrilled to be a part of Carver Center Foundation and all of its efforts to help our Carver Center students.”
Parent of Class of 2023 Carpentry Graduate

Michael Quinn
President: 2024-25
Treasurer: 2020-24
director: 2020-25
Parent of Class of 2023 Visual Arts Graduate

thea mitchell
vice president & parent committee chair: 2023-25
Director: 2023-25
Parent of Class of 2025
Acting Student

Jordan Schloss
Secretary & Governance: 2016-25
director: 2016-25
“As members of the Carver Center community, we cannot let the arts and technology disappear from public education. Every student deserves the benefits of a comprehensive program and instructors uniquely qualified to deliver it. The educational experiences provided at Carver Center cultivates life-long learners whose passion for their craft empowers them to be creative, successful, inspiring contributors to society and the world.”
Design & Production Alumnus, 2016
Student Representative, 2014-2016

Leo Downey
Vice President -Communications:
director: 2023-26
Parent of Class of 2027
Vocal Music Student

James Paquette
Development Chair: 2022-25
director: 2020-25
“Our two sons have had transformational experiences at Carver Center. Their academic, artistic, & personal growth has been extraordinary. None of this could be possible without the financial support of the Carver Center Foundation.”
Parent of Acting Alumnus and Class of 2022 IT/IMP Alumnus

Ryan Burton
Alumni Committee Chair:
director: 2020-25
Class of 2010
Culinary Arts Alumnus

todd carpenter
director: 2024-26
Parent of Class of 2028
Literary Arts Student

barri spitzer
Director: 2023-25
“As a parent of a class of 2024 acting prime graduate, I have seen how incredibly special Carver Center is. The experience and opportunity my son had at this school is priceless. I will do everything in my power to keep the traditions going and to strengthen our Foundation so more students can benefit and have the opportunity my son has been so fortunate to have.”
Parent of Class of 2024
Acting Student

Paul Diem
Faculty Representative:
director: 2024-26
George Washington Carver Center Theatre Department Chair & Acting Teacher

Principal, 2022-
Director ex officio: 2022-
Principal of George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology

Mikailah Mitchell
Student Representative
director: 2024-25
Class of 2025 Acting Prime

Ryan Ellerbee
Student Representative
director: 2024-25
Class of 2025 Dance Prime

Leah Hoddie
student representative:
director: 2024-26
Class of 2026 AI/IMP Prime

Skye Njoroge
student representative:
director: 2024-26
Class of 2026 Acting Prime