Voting procedure:
1. Write the number of your 1st Place choice on a piece of paper and put it in the “1st Place” bag
2. Write the number of your Honorable Mention Choice and put it in the Honorable Mention bag
3. The piece with the most 1st Place votes will be awarded 1st Place. The remaining pieces that were voted for 1st Place will be added to the Honorable Mention bag and the piece with the most votes will be selected as 2nd Place, the second most number of votes will be 3rd place and the 3rd most number of votes will be 4th place.
4. In the event of a tie for 1st Place, a single raffle drawing of the tied votes will occur. The selected piece will be 1st place and the other piece will be 2nd Place. Votes will be tallied for 3rd and 4th from remaining votes.
5. In the event of a tie for 2nd or 3rd Place, there will be a two-way or three-way tie for 2nd and/or 3rd.